Private sector wants more time to introduce traffic jam program

After nearly six months of meetings including government agencies and the private sector, some moves are underway to   help reduce  the daily traffic jams, the private component  wants more time  tp introduce changes.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP), Irving Halman said on Monday, May 7, that the private sector is waiting for the authorities to present the new measures were and will to ask for three months before they are implemented.

On Sunday Traffic Operations Director, Jorge Miranda, said that thjisthis week the Transit Authority in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Works, announced new measures in addition to those already in place since April 23.

Since that day, the movement of trucks, tractor-trailers and heavy equipment from the western sector, specifically at the entrance of Centennial Arraiján and the  route near the Rod Carew stadium, has been restricted from 6 am  to  to 8:00 am

According to Miranda  construction projects are  incressingly affecting the work of the private  sector.

Halman said there are critical areas such as San Francisco, October 12 and Bella Vista, where we need to work together to mitigate the problems caused by trsffic jams that will continue over the next two years.

"There are many elements to consider in which there are labor issues, security and parking, that are beginning to be evaluated, and in that sense we have offered to the authorities to work together to achieve actions that actually give us results,”