Noriega leading normal prison life with no health problem

Panama’s  former strong man, Manuel Antonio Noriega, who is in El Renacer prison, has no current health problem and is leading a normal life like any other detainee.

The statement was made Monday April  23 by the director of Panama’s Penitentiary System, Miguel Angel Calderon

He said he  has no knowledge of new scheduled medical appointments for Noriega.

 The health condition of the ex-dictator, captured during the  US invasion of 1989  is "completely normal", the official said, but stressed that the prisoner is receiving medical treatment. 

Calderon said that a March 13 judicial hearing was suspended because of  delays in the translation of documentation is made ??in October. Noriega has been in  the Panama prison since  Decemberm 11 after being extradited from France. He has been in jail since he was taken to the US in 1989, first in Florida, and then in France. His lawyers are seeking to get him transferred to hous arrest, but he is still facing murder charges in Panama’s courts.