Fired for not switching parties — notary

A  former Colon notary claims she was dismissed by President, Ricardo Martinelli for refusing to switch to his party and for not carrying out attacks on the Vice- president .

Nedelka Navas Reyes,  a  member of the Panamenista Party, claims the loss of one of her twin pregnancy babies was due to pressure to leave office.

On a Sunday TV program she described an interview with Martinelli asking her  to carry out his wishes. Asked what words he used she said “I would be ashamed to voice them on air.” Navas Reyes said on the program Face to Face, broadcast on RPC Channel 4 that she will will accept the will of God and not of President Martinelli.. She reiterated that she received pressure from the executive,  to leave office and join the CD (Democratic Change) party. On April 5 the President, through executive order, fired Navas and on April 13  the Official Gazette published the name of her successor.