Suitcases stuffed with cash for Panama construction projects – report


Ricardo Martinelli’s latest attack on the media has not stopped Panama's links  to Valter Lavitola  gaining world wide attention.

Canada’s National Post  reporting his arrest carries more graphic descriptions of his alleged bribery of members of the administration than any used by local media.

“He is … under investigation for having allegedly bribed members of Panama’s government with suitcases stuffed with cash for construction contracts on behalf of third parties, the Corriere della Sera newspaper said.

“Lavitola had reportedly called Berlusconi from South America[Panama] asking whether he should return and “clear everything up” but was told to stay put until the scandal had blown over, according to wiretaps published widely in the media”

Eight people, including businessman Giampaolo Tarantini and German starlet Sabina Began, were charged in September for allegedly supplying Berlusconi with prostitutes in the hope of gaining jobs, contracts or favors in exchange.

Tarantini was also accused of then blackmailing the premier to the tune of 800,000 euros ($1.0 million).

Lavitola is suspected of having been the middle man for these payments, according to prosecutors.