President uses the F word to attack media

Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli lapsed into four letter words during his latest  attack on the media at a  public ceremony  on Wednesday April 12.

In a speech at the ceremony  for theopening  70 homes in Las Garaz de Pacora, he lashed out at La Prensa  without actually using the paper’s name.

As  he mentioned his dissatisfaction, Martinelli was applauded by the attendees, beneficiaries of the houses, ministers, officials of the Presidency and members of his party, Democratic Change.

The president explained why he used the word "fuck": "Because here there are people who do not want us to change this country … some people do not want you to have water. " The applause increased says a La Prensa report

He said that will not  be distracted by "unconscious; scoundrels who wrap themselves up like a holy doves. We will not allow it"

"There are people who accuse me of everything, but they are people who refuse to pay taxes. People do not want to pay taxes," said Martinelli without mentioning names.

He said he has come to bring order "to all those dodgers” who do not like paying taxes. He asked the residents of Las Garzas to not be fooled by what they say or write in the media, as they do because they are "cogios by Granny."

After completing the fiery speech, Martinelli gave the keys to some of the beneficiary families. He has photo ops with them  and distributed kisses and hugs among the attendees.

Minutes later, the President entered one of the new houses and spoke of the benefits of the housing project and made new pledges to building a new water line connected to all homes. He promised the repair of 28 water systems in the sector, which will allow all people have the water service.

Las Garzas  was the place where the president held his first Cabinet Council in July 2009 and promised roads, potable water, construction of schools, parks and housing.

Martinelli answered questions from reporters to explain what he meant in his speech, when he said he would  “not be fucking stopped.” The President responded: "There is a tabloid newspaper that has offended me  That is not done. In life one has to look both sides. They have to have respect for the institutions, people,  and dignity," he said.

Before leaving Las Garzas and when asked about he dismissal of the notary Navas, Martinelli invited reporters to read Thursday’s newspapers to see that all that is published on the subject".

In a statement of the Secretary of State's released on Tuesday 10, it was noted that the " newspaper La Prensa blasted  the President like a  tabloid publication."

The statement was in reaction to an interview published in La Prensa on  Apri 9l, in which Colon’s ex first notary Nedelka Navas said that "Ricardo Martinelli pressure, to leave office caused the loss of one of her babies of a twin pregnancy." She was fired by a presidential decree, signed by Martinelli.

"The news item that appeared on the cover and inside page of the newspaper La Prensa  in its edition of April 10, 2012, is a clear example of what is known as tabloid reporting," a government statement said.


While the president toured of Las Garzas, in Colón a professional group of the National Bar Association and other unions held a protest outside the headquarters of the First Notary, condemning the removal from office of Navas

The lawyers conducted a symbolic burning of a copy of the Constitution and diplomas of lawyers outside the headquarters of the First Notary as a means to express that Panama does not respect the constitution or legal professionals.

The protesters called for an end to persecution and compliance with due process.

The president of the National Bar Association, Colon Chapter, Edgar Ortiz, warned that the Constitution is being violated with respect to maternity leave, and that despite her pregnancy, Ms. Navas was dismissed from her post. "Respecting our own Constitution we consider Navas ..has every right to maternal labor courts, as established by Panamanian law,," said Ortiz.

First Notary is a Colon lawyer who meets the requirements legally established for the position: 10 years of practice in the legal profession and over 35 years of age. …The same qualities required to be a judge of the Supreme Court.

Article 72 of the constitution protects the maternity of women workers. That is, during pregnancy they cannot be separated from public or private employment for this cause. For at least six weeks before childbirth and eight that follow,  they enjoy mandatory leave paid in the same way as for their work and retain employment and all rights in their contract.

When working mothers return to their jobs  they cannot be dismissed for a period of one year except in special cases provided by law, which also regulate the special working conditions of women in pregnancy status.

A series of rulings by the Supreme Court that supports that women during pregnancy cannot be dismissed without special cause.

Among the causes that might be used for generating the dismissal of a pregnant woman, the Court cited in the above rulings "behavior, efficiency, skill, physical and mental ability of the worker, together with other economic employer." .

In addition, the September 2, 2005 the Court ordered the reinstatement of a Housing Ministry official who had been dismissed from office while pregnant.

In that decision, the Court noted that "the objective fact of pregnancy gives women during pregnancy is the jurisdiction of Article 72 of the Constitution."

Also stated that "the legal effect of this jurisdiction is that the woman protected and can not be dismissed or laid off from public or private employment, without first invoking and proving the existence of good cause under the Act, and through legal procedures. "

In other words, "the woman who enjoys the maternity leave can not be freely dismissed or dismissed, and dismissal or termination is made in contravention of this jurisdiction is illegal, being contrary to the Constitution, without any relevant or important that the appointing authority or employer unknown pregnancy status at time of order the termination of the employment relationship."