Some politicians damaging democracy – Archbishop

Panama’s Catholic Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa’s Easter message was aimed at politicians “who do not know the damage they are doing”.

Speaking on Sunday before heading a parade of worshippers around some city streets, Ulloa said: "We have to regain the art of politics  .., there are some politicians that instead of practicing the art play games.

Although he clarified that one cannot generalize, he warned that there are some politicians who do not know the damage they are doing to politics, which is the art of serving your country. Ulloa said that if there is no  change, then there will be disgust of political games. "And politics is important in the life and democracy of a country, he said.

The statements were made ?? before the start of the Second Caravan through the streets, which  he initiated last year.

 The purpose  of the caravan, is to send a message of hope to the citizens. "We can be transformative of the harsh realities that people live today” said Ulloa.

More than a hundred vehicles joined the parade which started atAtlapa, then traveled along Calle 50 and Via Israel. 

The Caravan is a  prelude to the celebration next year of the 500 years of the church in America.