55 charges against politicians linger in Supreme Court

Panama’s Supreme Court is sitting on files of accusations against 55 serving politicians. Only one is “active” and that has been floating for 11 years.

According to a report seen by La Prensa,  members of the National Assembly and the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), are accused of political  and common crimes.

Carlos Afu

At least 13 deputies from the governing parties and opposition have records in the Supreme Court.

The alleged crimes range from violating the electoral code to abusing  public trust. There are others for traffic offenses and family processes.

Only the case involving the Deputy Carlos Afu involving the  alleged bribery to ratify the contract for the creation of the Center Multimodal Industrial and Services (CEMIS) is under investigation. This case has been  around for 11 years.

The opposition MP Jose Luis Varela, who has three complaints against him, says there were fears that the records could be used as a “sword of Damocles”   to persecute opponents of the government.

Carlos Gasnell, executive vice president of the Foundation for Citizen Freedom and  Development, called for a change in the system of trial of the deputies, because the current method does not achieve balances of power.