IFF: Exploring the history of civil war

By Katherine Monahan
“Distance” is a Guatemalan film from first-time director Sergio Ramirez. It is the winner of the Toulouse Fesival in France, and was selected for Spain's San Sebastian Film Festival and Argentina's FICiP International Film Festival.
It tells the true story of a father’s search for his daughter after twenty years of separation.
In the Guatemalan civil war, many families were trapped between the opposing sides and separated, as some fled to Mexico and others were massacred or kidnaped. “Distance” deals with this recent history. “I felt that this is one of the things we are lacking in Guatemala is to know our history,” said 34-year old director Ramirez.
“It is a film about human beings,” he explained. “Distance can be physical, temporal, geographical, and even emotional when it is between human beings. This is the key to this film, so that it can be as human as possible.”
“Distance” is one of 50 films featured in Panama City’s upcoming International Film Festival. It will play at the Cinemark Multiplex between April 26 and May 2. Tickets go on sale April 13 for the public and March 30 for patrons. The film will be subtitled in English.