Panama gets high rating in green ranking

 Brazil, Nicaragua and Panama are the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean doing best in environmental investment says a report released on Saturday. March 17.

It was issued in  Montevideo at the 53 Annual Meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The study, "Climascopio" was prepared by the Multilateral Investment Fund, an institution of the IDB in partnership with Bloomberg New Energy Financing, providing a business analysis and information on  the clean energy market.

A Brazilian wind farm

Twenty-six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean  were assessed for their ability to attract investment in the area of energy with low emissions of greenhouse to build a "green economy". There were 30 indicators grouped into four categories. Brazil received an overall score of 2.71. The country managed to attract companies and projects focused on clean energy amounting to $70 billion dollars between 2006 and 2011, the study said. 

"It is likely that wind energy is maintained in the short term as the leading sector of Brazil"  because  of contracts  and tax incentives organized by the national government. Nicaragua scored 2.15 for good assessment on the indicators related to clean energy policies and the structure of the energy sector, and the availability of  “green” microcredit.. The "considerable efforts to manage the emissions of greenhouse gases and an enabling regulatory framework" gave Panama a rating of 2.05.