Mineral deposits in protected forest area

At least 13 mineral deposits  have been identified in a protected forest area where MInera Panama and Petaquilla have concessions,

The protected forest area is in Donoso, Colon Province, where  concessions have been granted for 13,600 hectares..

Copper and other minerals  will be extracted by  Minera Panama in the first three deposits (Hill, Valle Grande and Botija) for export from 2016.

The concession contract with the State, which receives only  2% royalty, was signed in 1997 for 20 years renewable for two additional periods, up to 60 years. 

Since 2010, Petaquilla Gold has been extracting gold from Molejón, in Donoso.

The National Association for the Conservation of Nature has called on  the authorities to prevent the extension of the extraction operation because of environmental damage, until the Supreme Court rules on two claims of unconstitutionality of the contract.