Archbishop calls for listening in mining talks

Panama’s  catholic archbishop has calleArchbishop calls for “listening” in mining talksd on members of the sub commission  discussing  mining and hydroelectric exploration  and exploitation to be prepared  to listen.

At the Minor Basilica of Don Bosco, where he offered an Ash Wednesday mass, Archbishops José Domingo Ulloa called for the will to continue with the negotiations. “Let’s not give in, in front of the situation the country is facing” he said.

The prelate said the only way in which the dialogue can be developed is if the parties involved present themselves with an attitude ready to listen, not making prejudices before listening to the other, that each one of us can introduce ourselves into the other party’s skin in order to see the reality of things”.

The special sub commission – which suspended its debate lon Friday, Feb. 17 –  and will meet again at the legislative palace on Monday, February 27.

During the days off, the indigenous leadership of the Ngäbe-Buglé reserve has met in Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro to analyze the progress made so far.

Ulloa  expressed his desire for conversations to be “fruitful” so they can “result in something good for everyone”.