Road works to speed traffic ready in 2013

A tunnel and a roundabout on Via Israel and Brazil, are part of a $200 million investment in road improvements scheduled to be completed in 2013.

The Director of Special Projects of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), Carlos Ho, said the construction will also included a fast track that will cross the main intersection of Calle 59, via Brazil, via Espana, and Via Transístmica to Richard J.Alfaro.

Ho said  the works are in the north-south axis of the city, which will connect to both corridors through which 60 000 vehicles move daily.

Where Via Israel crosses Brazil near Multiplaza,  a tunnel will be built, and a roundabout constructed at the existing street level, eliminating traffic lights  and speeding the flow of traffic to Calle 50 and to the center of the city

Roberto Roy, secretary of Metro, said that projects like this help to improve road infrastructure in the capital.

" Building the Metro subway is  not the only  solution for better vehicular circulation, but also the arterial roads of the city," he said.