Bosco replacement demands 22 city hall resignations

The feared blood letting at the Panama municipality gained impetus within hours of the announcement of the appointment of Roxana Mendez as the new mayor.

After taking office on Friday, Mendez, the former MInister of Government, asked for the immediate resignations of the 22 directors, managers and assistant managers of the Municipality of Panama.

After a meeting with the heads of municipal departments to know the progress of their projects, Mendez said she has asked them to put their offices at her disposal.

The mayor said she will evaluate each of the projects undertaken by the Municipality in terms of beautification, cemeteries, nurseries, and other services offered by the city.

Mendez arrived at the city headquarters with a strong State security force. A score of journalists were waiting at the entrance to her office, along with city waiting to welcome to the new mayor.

Mendez took office after the resignation of the incumbent Bosco Vallarino  for health reasons.

The mayor said her first step will be to evaluate the capital's financial processes, financial, human resources, and projects being carried out  by the institution.

Although not ready to  talk about layoffs at City Hall, Mendez said that a management team will be defined on the road after an evaluation.

Meanwhile, President, Ricardo Martinelli, gave an opposing viewpoint on the parting of the ways, said by Vallarino to have been following a stormy confrontation. Referring to the resignation of Vallarino,  Martinelli said: "I wish Bosco Ricard Vallarino, who is my personal friend, a speedyand effective recovery and because I think he's a great person and Panama needs people like him. "

Anabel de Vallarino,  the wife of the former mayor, confirmed that he will be undergo a course of radioactive iodine to control the discomfort that causes hyperthyroidism.

She said that vice president, Juan Carlos Varela, will be kept informed. Vallarino will remain resting in his residence.

People working for the city began worrying about their jobs.  the moment Vallarino, a Panamenista party member announced his resignation and a Democratic Change loyalist named to replace him followed by comments from Martinelli about the lack of knowledgeable people around the former mayor Many fear that as many as 1,500 jobs could be in danger.

Before the resignation, city hall staff members had demonstrated in support of Mayor Bosco.

Vallarino’s son was recently replaced as Panama’s Consul in Toronto.