Last roundup for Bosco’s villas

By Wednesday. January 11, the reviled (or loved) Bosco “villas” will be gone from the Cinta Costera  and the estimate of damages will begin.

To the trash can or for resale?Staff from the Mayor Bosco Vallarino’s office and the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), accompanied by a notary, will make the final inspection of the green areas where the plastic  effigies stood, mostly surrounded by fencing.  At the end of the day there will be a report on which areas are affected and the city of Panama will make the necessary repairs to hand over the land in the same condition it was received from the MOP. According to a mayoralty spokesman the damage caused during the  the parade of giant balloons on December 26, will have no impact on the  inspection, because the damage done then to was holiday villas.

The Municipal Council of Panama approved a budget of $900,000 for the Christmas project, which, according to observers attracted less walk by attendance than in previous years, except for the government backed Balloon parade which caused traffic chaos and over $40,000 of damage.