Lavitola to return to Italy to face the music

After remaining in hiding for nearly four months, the Italian fugitive Valter Lavítola, closely linked to alleged Panama governmental purchasing scandals, plans to return home to face criminal charges.

Party boy anf fixer Valter Lavitola plans a last pre jail flingIn a press release issued Tuesday, December 27,  the former Berlusconi bagman and political wheeler dealer with close connections in Panamanian government circles. announced that in January he will return to Italy to face the charges against him. But even as confinement in prison cell looms, the party lover plans a final fling in Latin America.

"Clearly this means my entry to prison … I prepare for the worst, "said Lavítola, who is in Argentina's Salta province, where he will participate, along with his wife and his seven year old son Mariastella Buccioli in a New Year's Eve party called" farewell to the fugitives."