Panama Bahais protest Iranian persecution

Members of The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Panama have joined with leaders from countries around the world, to condemn a new form of religious persecution in Iran.
The latest symptom of Government persecution is the imprisonment of Bahá'í educators operating an informal community initiative known as The Bahá'í Institute of Higher Education.
The program is meant to provide educational opportunities to Baha'i children and youth who have been banned from the formal educational system.
The protest against the injustice is led by more than 40 distinguished philosophers and theologians from 16 countries, who have joined the condemnation of Iran's sentence to bar young Baha'is and other minorities from receiving any type of education.
Professor Yolanda Rodriguez, Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís in Panama recently added her voice to the protests with an interview on RCM Channel 21.
The Baha'i religion originated in Iran, where it has long suffered persecution but it's world headquarters is in Tel Aviv, Israel.