A flight of fancy

LAS BOVEDAS in Casco Viejo is   a favorite spot for both visitors to Panama and local residents.

Dotted with stalls where indigenous people sell their handcrafted wares and the occasional itinerant musician wanders by  it is a fine spt for viewing the contrasts of the new Panama across the Bay, and to savor the scene before the arrival of a new viaduct for the extension of the Cinta Costera.

A four line highway will sit atop the structure which say residents will despoil the view and get the old city removed from the Unesco list of World Heritage sites. The road will skirt the old city and run from Avenida Balboa to Avenida De Los Poetas, and will include landfill  covering the  beaches.

In the meantime there  was an addition  to the backdrop on Saturday December 17,  when a local ballet dancer chose Las Bovedas to do his thing. He was caught on camera by a visitor from Australia,  Megan-Myfanwy Young on her first day in Panama.