Emails reveal government links with Italian fugitive –report

The close relationship between a fugitive from Italian  justice and a senior official of the Martinelli government seems to be confirmed by email messages seen by La Prensa, Panama.

According to the email exchange, Valtere Lavítola, wanted by the Italian authorities had at his disposal an agent of the Institutional Protection Service (SPI) and a car. On February 18  Lavítola sent an email to Adolfo De Obarrio, President Ricardo  Martinelli’s p private secretary, asking for support fromDionysius Mendieta (III security agent SPI) and a car, because  he was coming to Panama two days later, "Perfect" was the reply of De Obarrio.

A press secretary consulted  with the president yesterday about the issue, but declined to comment said La Prensa An hour later the paper was told to  refer questions to the Secretary of State's submission.

Another exchange of messages showed  that De Obarrio took steps to get Lavitola appointed Honorary Consul of Panama in Rome.

Earlier former foreign minister Juan Carlos Varela said he was pressured by President Martinelli to make the appointment.