Panama the Dubai of the region — Martinelli

President, Ricardo Martinelli’s parting shot at France on Friday was to tell an audience of  businessmen that "Panama is the Dubai of the region and not a 'tax haven'.”

He followed up with an invitation to his audience to invest in the non-tax haven.

Martinelli, was concluding a week long  his tour of London and Paris, along with an entourage of  ministers who were presenting  business opportunities offered by Panama.

His remarks were made to  audience of businessmen at the headquarters of the Movement of French Enterprises

More than a hundred French businessmen were present. Martinelli urged them to "get involved in politics", because according to the president it is "the only way to change the country."

Before leaving he had been strongly critical of remarks made by French President Nicola Sarkozy at the conclusion of the Group of 20 conference in Cannes, when he listed Panama and Uruguay as tax havens.

Panama is expecting to be removed from the list of "tax havens" when  a double taxation treaty with France comes into force.