Heavy rains claim life of 10 year old

HEAVY RAINS on Saturday, November 19 led to the death of a 10 year old and caused extensive flooding in  many parts of Panama province.

A spokesman for the  Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), confirmed that a 10 year old boy was dragged by the current of a river which flows into the Burunga neighborhood of Arraiján district,

Elsewhere in the western sector of the province floods have were reported, in El Valle del sol, Alto Montaña, San Bernardino, Barriada de Omar, Valle Hermoso, Burunga, Nuevo Arraiján, Arraiján Cabecera  and  Barriada Las Vegas.

The constant rains also caused mudslides in Barriada Las Vegas an Loma Coba and  staff of the Ministry of Public Works are working to keep traffic  moving.

Sinaproc  has called for the drivers to take precautions and check the status of roads  before setting out. Parents  are urged to prevent children from playing in creeks or places that are prone to flooding.