Sinaproc rescue operation in Punta Pacifica

Two  construction workers trapped on a platform hanging 25 stories above the ground in front  of  a windowless wall in a Punta Pacifica building, were rescued by cutting a hole in the wall.

Ariel Marquez, 40, and Rolando Lopez, 32, were working  on the Oasis building, still under construction when they ran into trouble and could not escape the platform. They were  rescued by personnel from Sinaproc, the National civil emergency authority. The rescue took place around 1.30 pm after they had been hanging for over an hour.

 "The vertical rescue was risky, so we decided to open a hole in the wall of the 25th floor , which had no window. They were reached with a special rope and pulled through the hole which was about ten feet from them," said a Sinaproc spokesman.

The two workers were taken to hospital for examination.