Count down to National celebration Parades

Construction work on Panama’s line 1 of the Metro means that the traditional Via Espania route for the National celebration days (Fiestas Patrias) will be replaced this year.
Calle 50 will become the main focus on November 3 and 4. The two official routes of parades are: Casco Viejo, from Bolivar Park to Balboa Avenue, behind the old Metro Theater and from Calle 50 and Aquilino de la Guardia to 60 East, former home of Columbus University.
There will be over 80 participating student delegations, 54 government institutions and approximately 12 independent bands, distributed between both routes.
The parades begin at 8:00 am and are expected to last until 5:00 pm. The jury evaluating schools and bands will be located along both routes.
Delegations may interpret all types of music and song, as long as they do not violate the “moral order” according to rules laid down by the Ministry of Education.
Bands will be reviewed for order, and discipline of the delegation, fluent transition of the the parade route, proper use of uniform, greetings on the fly in front of the main stage, and tuning and Interpreting (harmony, melody and rhythm) in the categories: band music, lyres and drums, and lyres, horns and drums.
The State Border Service (SENAFRONT) the National Police and the Fire Services will also be on the march.