More hospitals join doctors strike

Doctors ar the hospital-Rafael Hernandez in Chiriqui province  voted on Monday to join the strike and support their colleagues at the Hospital Santo Tomás (HST).

The decision was made to demonstrate  opposition to Bill 349, Public-Private Partnership (APP) which is  being discussed in the National Assembly.

Julio Osorio, president of the Medical Association of the Rafael Hernandez Hospital, said the measure is also supported by the Jose Domingo De Obaldia hospital, in the city of David.

According to the doctors of Rafael Hernández, the bill  opens the door to privatization of some health services. Osorio, named the areas to be privatized as: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal health program, anesthesia machines and primary care program.

In turn, the head doctor asked the community of Chiriqui to be patient Chiriqui because- withdrawing services is the only way they have to get the government to listen.

However, he said, doctors will continue to give services  to emergency patients. Surgeries and scheduled appointments will be restated once the strike ends, he said but the strike is indefinite.