Putting gold into the golden age

Good nutrition and exercise for the mind and body can help put gold into the golden age  said a psychiatrist at a weekend public education seminar in Panama.

Vivian Vasquez said that sadness and the inability to enjoy life are symptoms of depression,while disorderly behavior in conjunction with language impairment and memory loss are signs of dementia. He was speakingon cognitive decline and depression at  the  public education conference “Brain and Health,”  organized by the Center for Neuroscience at the Institute for Scientific Research and High Technology Services.

According to Vasquez, depression and dementia cause cognitive disturbances. individual lose the ability to recognize their environment, memory, concentration and attention. The psychiatrist warned  that while older people more vulnerable to this situation, young people do not escape  it. Therefore, he said, early diagnosis of these diseases is important

 According to Vasquez, these conditions put the elderly at greater risk because of the "neurodegeneration", which is more than the loss of knowledge learned, such as consequence of the loss of motor and language functions, among others, as well as stressors and diseases such as diabetes.

These diseases do not have a "magic formula" to disappear, said Vasquez but  there are things you can do to reduce the risk of acquiring them,  for example, maintaining good nutrition, physical activity, reduce stress, relax and exercise the mind.