Land titling report “facts not opinions” –editor

After the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, on Wednesday,   described reports linking  his parents with land titling in Juan  Hombrón,  as a "cowardly political attack"  the national media asked  for a reaction from La Prensa .

Associate Director of Rolando Rodriguez said that the paper carried out responsible and extended research to present as many corroborated facts as possible and not to express opinions.

"We have presented facts, no opinions. Minister Papadimitriu is entitled to express  his views.However, this is not an excuse, nor should it be, to attack the reliability of an investigation like this,” said Rodriquez. "The Government's response, to initiate an investigation, is a good step in trying to clarify any doubts that this research has generated .There are questions if  no answers. It has ordered an audit and we'll see what happens.”