President calls for investigation into land grab scandal reports

Panama’s president Ricardo Martinelli   has called for an investigation into  allegations of a  land titling scandal that, according to published reports has a purported  link the family of  the Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu

Investigations  carried out by a La Prensa investigative team have been published daily since Saturday link the former Director of the Land Registation Authority (Anati) Anabelle Villamonteto an alleged massive scandal of businesses acquiring titles to 54 hectares of  land for pennies, before selling them at  sky high prices.

In the unique process says La Prensa, Villamonte plays a role not  only as the initial attorney requests for qualifications, or as the official who authorized them later, but as a former employee of one of the companies linked to the family Papadimitriu.

Besides her,  says the newspaper, other lawyers who played various roles in the network of companies that won the generous titration also appear in the family company of the Minister of the Presidency, and one that received a grant of sand mining, a year into the administration of President Ricardo Martinelli.

In the midst of the investigation by La Prensa, a group of residents fromJuan Hombrón on Tuesday filed a complaint with the Attorney General against the allotments approved by Villamonte between December 16, 2010 and May 19, 2011. The complainants claim to be the legitimate owners of the lands ceded by Villamonte free.

Also on Tuesday, the National Land Council ordered the new administrator of the Anati to request an audit by  the Comptroller General of the titles awarded.

On Wednesday, Martinelli stepped in during  a major photo op, the act of flooding the first section of  the dry excavation program to expand the Panama Canal.

He called  for an investigation of all reported cases in which irregularities have been alleged in the titling of land and  said that the full weight of the law  should fall on  those who are involved in these situations.

This should, he said,  apply both to individuals and corporations, The President said he would not support  defend anyone who is behind these anomalies.