A Christmas vision coming to Panama

A Christmas vision that grew into a tradition in Australia and around the world  will be introduced to Panama this year, far from the jingle of cash registers.

On Christmas Eve 1937, a radio broadcaster in Melbourne  was returning home when through a window  he saw  an elderly  lady sitting alone, her face lit by a candle, listening to the radio and singing “Away in a Manger." 

A Carols by Candlelight performance in Melbourne

The radio  veteran Norman Banks wondered how many more people were sitting alone that night, and the idea of “Carols by Candlelight” was born.

At Christmas  in 1938 he brought together a   choir of 30, two soloists and a band from a local  fire hall. 10,000 people turned up. The next year, when Australia was already involved in World War II, 25,000 packed a sports stadium,

It continued to grow  and has taken place every year since, evolving into a star studded event  attracting scores of thousands of adults and children, and has become  a major television production

Some of the outstanding performances of recent years can be seen in their entirety on YouTube.

The CanadaPLUSClub in collaboration with Panama's cultural organization, INAC, and backed by numerous sponsors  and well wishers,  is launching Carols By Candlelight (Luces de Navidad)  Panama,  as a total community participant event, with belief that it will  become an ongoing tradition  for all levels of society  while raising funds for local community projects.

The initial performance in Plaza de Franicia will start off on a bigger scale than the  original Australian venture, and will be linked to some other events which will have a unique Panamanian flavor. 

On December 1,   there will be an official “Lighting Up” ceremony as a band marches along a selected route playing where residents  and businesses will have decorated their buildings with Christmas lights.

OnDecember 3 , a posada, starting at 6 pm will follow the same route, stopping at selected points to sing seasonal hymns.

The concert will begin at 7pm. Among the performers are soloists from Opera Canada, The Cantus Panama Chorus, soloists, school and church choirs, and local musicians.

The event will run for just over 2 hours from 7-9.15 p.m and the The “entrance Fee” will be the purchase of an LED  candle  with proceeds going to Fundacion  Calicanto helping children and mothers in San Felipe and El Chorrillo.

Sponsors  and individuals will be given the opportunity of buying bundles of candles for distribution to needy children, and there will be a widespread selling campaign through local schools and businesses.

10,000, Illustrated Song books containing the words of selected carols in, Spanish and English will be distributed to  schools and  business outlets throughout Panama three weeks before  the event.

There will be a seating area with seats available at a small charge ($5 prepaid, $10 on December3) to raise additional charity funds.

All participating performers will provide their services free.

Sponsors will have the opportunity to purchase blocks of seats for seating lower income seniors or disabled people. Tickets for these seats will be distributed by local churches, Calicanto and sponsors.

The concert will be followed by a CanadaPLUS  membership and VIP reception (paid admission) catered by a local business.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, performer, volunteer or advertiser in the 10,000 circulation souvenir carols book,  or want to reserve seats or buy LED candles, call 6689-6890 or email clubcanadplus at gmail.com.  Make your Subject "Carols by Candlelight," Candle orders of $25 or more will be delivered to your home in Panama city.

The CanadaPLUS club is a Panama based group with members from 21 countries, including Panama,  that creates events round the year for its members, provides a shopping discount card and the opportunity to enroll in a group health insurance plan offering big savings.