WORLD CUP BASEBALL: Panama maintains unbeaten record

A 12-3 mauling of Canada confirmed Panama’ s unbeaten record in the Baseball World Cup through Friday October 7.
Holland and Cuba were the other the unbeaten teams after seven days of competition.
The Dutch team confirmed its strength with a 7-5 win over the United States in Group I at the Remon Cantera Stadium in Aguadulce, west of Panama City.
Canada, who lost its unbeaten record at the Rod Carew Stadium in Panama City, and Cuba beat Italy 5-1 for their fifth win and no defeats, at the Rico Cedeño Stadium, In other matches of the day, Japan beat Taiwan 3-1 at Rod Carew Puerto Rico thumped Greece 10-1 in Aguadulce, in Group I.
In Group II, Venezuela beat Germany 10-5 at Rico Cedeño Stadium, and Australia surprised the Dominican republic powerhouse 11-9 at the Omar Torrijos Stadium