Power saving device putting shoppers health at risk

If you sometimes think that a frozen food packet you have purchased from the supermarket has been thawed and refrozen, you could be right.

The health  of Panamanian residents is at risk because merchants are using a timing device to cut electricity costs says a government health director  because traders use a device to reduce power consumption by refrigerators and freezers.

Algis Torres, director of the Health Region of San Miguelito, Las Cumbres and Chilibre, says that the use of a time

r  causes a break in the cold chain that prevents food from spoiling and can lead to decomposition and even food poisoning..

He reported that about 10 fines  have been imposed on owners of supermarkets and convenience store by using the timer for refrigerators and freezers especially at night. Checks are continuing.

Penalties range from $ 500 to $ 5,000, said Torres.

The device is programmed to shut down at midnight and comes on at 6:00 in the morning creating health risks for customers. According to Torres, this breaks the cold chain that has to be  maintained so that foodstuffs comply with the expiry date listed on each product.