Noriega trial scheduled to start today

Thel in absentia    trialof former Panamanian dictator, Manuel Antonio Noriega for crimes against humanity was scheduled to start today, September 14.

The  trial by jury  in the  Third Judicial District of Chiriqui centers around  the disappearance and death of Everett Clayton Kimble, in December 1968.

The former military force  members  Abundio Garcia Moreno and Aristotle Garcia. are also charged. The prosecution is represented by Luis Martinez.

Clayton Everett Kimble was arrested by agents of the late G2 and then taken to the Chiriqui provincial headquarters on December 1, 1968.

He is one of many included in the list of the “disappeared” during the military dictatorship.

The return of Noriega to Panama is expected within weeks. He is currently sitting in a French prison.

The trial in absentia  of former Panamanian dictator, Manuel Antonio Noriega for crimes against humanity was scheduled to start today, September 14.

The  trial by jury  in the  Third Judicial District of Chiriqui centers around  the disappearance and death of Everett Clayton Kimble, in December 1968.

The former military force  members  Abundio Garcia Moreno and Aristotle Garcia. are also charged in this case. The prosecution is represented by Luis Martinez.

Clayton Everett Kimble was arrested by agents of the late G2 and then taken to the Chiriqui provincial headquarters on December 1, 1968.

He is one of many included in the list of the “disappeared” during the military dictatorship.

The return of Noriega to Panama is expected within weeks. He is currently sitting in a French prison.