Police reply to report on large jump in equipment spending

Panama’s National Police (PN)  responded Wednesday to a lead story in in a local daily newspaper, which questioned the hidden increasing expenditure on  military style equipment.

The response a La Prensa  investigation  of the purchase of weapons and equipment by  public and security sectors, said  that "public procurement, is necessary and it  only takes place only if half prior endorsement of the Comptroller "

Earlier, Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, refused to duscuss the issue since as there were  issues that compromise the security of the country, and for that reason, he could  not give details.

The newspaper revealed on Wednesday that the $490.4 million allocated to the Ministry of Public Security in 2011 has increased to $548.4 million in the budget for 2012 now under discussion in the National Assembly. The figure does not include other items such as more than $ 300 million to buy helicopters, radars and other equipment.

The investigative report detailed  military style arms purchases, special equipment for escorts, polygraphs, boots, uniforms, tactical suits anti  explosive vests, all found through the portal PanamaCompra.

An "anonymous" donation of  sunglasses to members of the PN, was made ,said the reply  by "Distribuidora Internacional SA Boyd, that  in  April 2011, gave a “valuable contribution to national security, specifically in recognition of the high level of performance of police manpower."

Panama’s National Police (PN)  responded Wednesday to a lead story in in a local daily newspaper, which questioned the hidden increasing expenditure on  military style equipment.

The response the La Prensa  investigation  of the purchase of weapons and equipment by  public and security sectors, said  that "public procurement, is necessary to and it  only takes place only if half prior endorsement of the Comptroller "

Earlier, Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, refused to delve into the matter since as there were  issues that compromise the security of the country, and for that reason, he could  not give details.

The newspaper revealed on Wednesday that the $490.4 million allocated to the Ministry of Public Security in 2011 has increased to $548.4 million in the budget for 2012 now under discussion in the National Assembly. The figure does not include other items such as more than $ 300 million to buy helicopters, radars and other equipment.

The investigative report detailed  military style arms purchases, special equipment for escorts, polygraphs, boots, uniforms, tactical suits anti  explosive vests, all found through the portal PanamaCompra.

An "anonymous" donation of  sunglasses to members of the PN, was made ,said the reply  by "Distribuidora Internacional SA Boyd, that  in  April 2011, gave a “valuable contribution to national security, specifically in recognition of the high level of performance of police manpower."