Heavy rain causing country wide problems

Whether you live in a condo in some of the most expensive real estate areas in Panama like Punta Pacifica and Paitilla, or in a more humble home in San Felipe, the rains will have affected you on the weekend.

There were flooding problems and property damage across the country but especially in the provinces of Panama and Chiriqui, according to the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc).

In the province of Panama, clogged sewers led to wheel high flooding in parts of the capital including  Paitilla, via Espana and San Felipe, largely due to blocked drains.  A  tree was brought down in Los Angeles, Bethania.

Officials were called to emergencies caused by trees falling on homes, streets, roads and power lines and nine homes were damaged by floods in  Baru Bugaba, David and San Lorenzo.

Javier Castillo,  head of operations said Sinaproc would remain on "alert" after the weekend because of by high tides on the Pacific coast Pacific. The Electricity Transmission Company is monitoring its stations in flood zones.