Legislator calls for death penalty in Panama

At least one member of Panama’s National Assembly wants to introduce capital punishment to Panama.

Marcos Gonzalez,  first vice president of the Assembly,  on Wednesday, July 27 presented  a bill to the legislature, calling for the death penalty.

 The deputy said he filed the initiative due to constant daily crimes that arise in the country, "leaving grief and pain in Panamanian families."

How the death penalty is viewed in some jurisdictions


He added that "Time has given us reason. Since 2001  over 700 people have died at the hands of criminals, thugs, murderers who killed couples and children, and mothers now mourn in a lot places in our country  

González a referred to the death of a three year old girl allegedly killed  by her stepfather. on Wednesday in the neighborhood of El Progreso,. The Deputy also mentioned the kidnapping and murder of an  Hindustan, Dharmesh Ahir, whose body was found Wednesday.
 The proposal calls for the the death penalty for persons convicted of offenses of aggravated murder and "femicide." As well as repeat offenders who commit crimes of rape and other sexual offenses or for committing crimes against collective security.