Fishermen miss out on boat repair facility

Fishermen using the new Multipurpose Wharf in San Felipe, built as part of of the Cinta Costera expansion are bemoaning  the loss of a boat repair facility.

They have criticized the new pier that replaced the old  structure and the lack of a breakwater which leads to damage to incoming vessels.

. "The pier is not useful at all. We are nearing bankruptcy . We bring the boats and we have no breakwater. We break the boats and we have  no ramp and nowhere to fix them," says Catalino Sosa who manages more than a dozen boats and is also is a fisherman.

He says that the increasing cost of gasoline gasoline, and the lack of a ramp or shipyard where boats can be repaired are combining to cause problems for local sea harvesters. "We have to go to the Boca La Caja or Chorrillo for repairs," he complains. 

The Multi-Dock, that cost over $15 million, replaced the old pier. More than 15 boats dock daily, according to data from Maritime Authority inspector Luis Aponte provided to La Prensa.

Seventy percent of products coming into the port are for the Seafood Market which houses around 100 small outlets. The other 30% of the product arriving is intended for export. 

Tuna, red snapper or dorado are most sent abroad, according to official records. 

In spite of the  complaints from fishermen, authorities say  the new dock meet all the standards for health and safety required by the fishing and shipping authority