Getting to know Piers Morgan

“Get to know Piers Morgan” says CNN’s website home page, and expounds on his journalistic career, which includes  editorship of a paper now being checked out over phone hacking allegations.

Morgan is the man who replaced Larry King when the veteran interviewer retired earlier this year. But getting to know Piers might be more interesting than the show, which has never generated the viewing ratings of his predecessor.

Trinity Mirror, the group which published the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, People and Daily Record has announced it will launch a review of its editorial practices which it says was prompted by the closure of the News of the World after disclosures about phone hacking at that paper. The group has not commented on claims that phone hacking was rife there while Piers Morgan was Mirror editor. Previous editors of the News if the World who were in charge  when phone hacking was the flavor of the day have been arrested and are the subject of a  political storm in Britain, which threatens to spill over to the United States.