Music for the soul at Panamas National Theatre

By Dra Lourdes Quijada
Panama is entering a week of Musical celebration, those of us who just like to sit back and enjoy, and for students and teachers.
It all comes courtesy of a hardworking group behind the scenes who are seeking to broaden cultural standards in the country.
For the happy band of sit-back-and-enjoy music lovers, renowned Argentinians– Canadian pianist Alexander Panizza, will be back in town for a performance of one of the world’s most loved piano compositions, Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, that has captivated audiences around the world since it was first performed in Boston in 1875.
He will be accompanied by the Panama National Orchestra under the direction of Jorge Ledezma Bradley which will also play Tchaikovsky’s Symphony Number 4.
The concert is at the National Theatre in Casco Viejo on Wednesday July 27.
While on stage the The performers will provide music for the soul the organizers will be stimulate the palate with free wine for members of the audience prior to the performance.
Earlier in the week Paniza and the Orchestra will be involved in a program Or develop education and culture of Panama through children's programs and projectsthrough a partnership of the France and Panama Union and the Danilo Perez Foundation., Frank Castagnet, cultural director of the Unions said: "After the resounding success of the initiative last May by France Panama, under the auspices of the French Embassy and INAAC we have redoubled our commitment to combine musical events and educational activities as cultural and social contributions to Panama. "
Panizza and the symphony orchestra musicians will hold a special session with children and youths of the Danilo Perez Foundation,and of Union France-Panama and representatives of social and educational projects developed by TVN.
The concert proceeds will fund teacher training activity taking place at the USMA (Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua) particularly aimed at music and arts teachers but also open to those interested in the relationship between sound and visual art.
Dr. CynthiaCristiá, will be leading a workshop on Monday July 25: "Connections between music and painting II: activities for the classroom."
Dr. Cristian trained at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and currently works at the UniversidadNacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina) in the field of musicology, dedicated to investigating the relationship of music and arts for over a decade. She is the author of Xul Solar. a visual musician. (Buenos Aires, Gourmet Musical Ediciones).