Life for other fleeing dictators differs for Noriega

While  leaders who have fled justice in their own countries, live in luxury in Panama, a prison cell awaits our own former strong man.

A prison cell awaits Noriega

Colombia’s attorney General Viviane Morales has asked Interpol to arrest María del Pilar Hurtado, who fled to Panama to seek  asylum and join an exclusive group of high ranking people from other countries, wanted on various charges.

Their crimes range from curruption to human rights abuses.Hurtado is charged with illegal spying while working as security director during the government of President Alvaro Uribe.

She  took refuge in Panama in November after being accused of ordering the intercepting of phone calls and emails of magistrates, opposition politicians, journalists and human rights leaders.

Maria Hurtado, wanted by Interpol


"We have filed an arrest warrant with Interpol and we have made an extradition request with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Morales said in a radio interview.

The request follows  a judge's decision in May ordering her imprisonment. {jathumbnail off}

Interpol is not allowed to arrest Hurtado while she is in Panama, but could arrest her if she left the country.

Former Haitan  military dictator Raoul Cedra  safe in Panama


President Ricardo Martinelli has repeatedly defended his decision to offer asylum to Hurtado, and said she would not be extradited.

Meanwhile Panama’s request for the extradition from France of former military dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega is close to fulfillment, and a jail cell is being prepared to receive him at the Renacer prison near the Gamboa resort.