Unesco calls for halt to Cinta Costera Extension

UNESCO, at a meeting in Paris, has  asked the Panamanian Government to stop the freeze the Cinta Costera Costera expansion until proper technical studies are presented at the next meeting in 6 months.

 The news was released by the Association of residents and businesses of (AVACA) which has been spearheading a group of activisists and organizations opposed to government plans of putting land fill around Casco Viejo to carry a four lane highway circling the UNESCO designated World Heritage site.

It came Thursday, June 23 only a few hours after the Minister of Public Works  Federico Suarez, had asked opponents to become part of the solution. Members of the group pointed out that they had already put forward alternative solutions, but President Ricardo Martinelli was focused on the  encircling highway solution because of cost, and “what the president says, goes”.

Patrizia Pizon of Avaca said the organization is planning an awareness event on Saturday, asking all Panamanians to join hands to request UNESCO to continue the support it has been giving. The event will be on Saturday,June25 at 3 p.m. on the beach next to Teatro Nacional. “We are asking specifically Panamanians to attend this event she said

For “foreigners” there will be  a “come and make up your mind” campaign. You all know people who are travelling, or even have Panamanian friends (many of whom I`m sure have not been to Casco lately). Bring them in.  Free tours will be organized to show visitors and resident expats, not only Casco Viejo but Chorrillo

“These issues can´t be discussed until people experience them for themselves”  said  Ms Pizon.