WHAT THE PAPERS SAY: Closing of Murcia cases convenient for political figures

The government has nominated  William Parodi as attorney fot the Court of Auditors at a time when he faces three cases of alleged breaches of justice in the exercise of the prosecutor's office.

David Murcia Guzman

He receives the prize, after achieving the closure of several cases in Panama involving   the Colombian David Murcia Guzmán who was sentenced to 30 years in prison in his homeland for illegal money raising and money laundering, and now a plea bargaining conviction of nine years for the same crimes in America. {jathumbnail off}

 Panama is the only place where it seems that Murcia Guzmán behaved like a true saint, even though he performed the same activities as  in Colombia. The closure of cases against the  so-called king of the pyramids has been very convenient for political figures who prefer to see the convict out of Panama as  soon as possible Hence the appointment of Parodi  doesnot seem to be the product of his performance as a prosecutor. This however, awakens more suspicions. His new position is precisely to provide accounts, something that he failed to provide while handling the cases of Murcia Guzmán.