CD still committed to presidential re-election –Minister

Panama’s ruling ruling party, Democratic Change (CD), is still committed to supporting the issue of presidential re-election.

The statement came from Minister of Labor Alma Cortez on the Open Debate program,RPC Chanel 4,  Sunday June  12.

She said that the CD supported the plan during the referendum organized by the Ernesto Perez Balladares government during his administration (1994-1999).

"We continue to support the reelection issue … we are not out of step " said Cortez.
She argued that  re-election is important to run government plans could that could not be finished for any reason, in the first election period.
A change in government, varied the "book" and did not give continuity to work plans.
Cortez also referred to the CD driven second round, saying that  society has the right to elect a president with unquestioned legitimacy