More private universities under investigation

The list of private “universities’ operating in Panama that are being investigated  for non compliance with the law governing the national system of evaluation and accreditation has now reached 11.

The National Council of University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama (Coneupa) on Wednesday,June 8, issued a statement announcing that International University, University of La Paz, University of Louisville (Quality Leadership SA), International University of Commerce and Education, Oxford International University, University Palladium, Delphi University and the Monterrey Technological Institute centers are  under investigation for committing irregularities. 

Among the irregularities being committed according to  Education Minister Lucy Molinar, the offering of  offering courses that do not have the endorsement of the University of Panama, operating in unsuitable premises, and not delivering  in time the required list of teachers.

But sloppy recording  by the Ministry’s monitoring system  may have accounted for some listings.

An investigation by La Prensa showed that some of the listed higher education facilities has closed their doors including Universidad San Martín, which was located in the City of Knowledge and has  not operated since 2007. 

Guillermo Castro, academic director of the City of Knowledge, said that in September, 2007, the City of Knowledge Foundation informed the authorities that the school had canceled its membership of the City of Knowledge project. He taught a biotechnology  degree course there for five years. 

The Technical University of Communication is one of the top schools that no longer exists according to La Prensa but their website is stil  up.

Among the specific aspects that are monitored are the general physical condition, location, accessibility, internal and external physical space, parking area, fire alarms, and the  approved academic curriculum and admission requirements.