Interpol warrant for secret police chief in Panama

Colombia’s  Attorney General Viviane Morales  has asked asked Interpol to circulate an international arrest warrant for a former secret police chief now living in Panama.

The arrest warrant is for  Maria del Pilar Hurtado, former director of the Department of Administrative Security (DAS), or secret police, issued  May 24 by a judge of Bogota's Supreme Court. 

The prosecution said the warrant can only be  effective if Hurtado leaves the territory of Panama, where she enjoys asylum.
If she moves into another country, the local police,  would make the arrest in compliance with the Interpol circular.

Hurtapol  is sought are related for alleged espionage against judges of the Supreme Court, journalists, human rights activists and opponents of the former government of President Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010).
Hurtado is wanted for the alleged commission of five crimes: conspiracy, aggravated unlawful violation of communications, misuse of public office, appropriation and embezzlement by falsifying a public document.
Last November, Hurtado sought asylum in Panama on the grounds that herlife was in danger.
At least five other former  top officials of Uribe being investigated for the same crimes..
At least two dozen former DAS detectives are currently in prison for espionage. The DAS is an entity that reports directly to the President of the Republic.