Seven non accredited universities named

Panama’ Ministry of Education has released the names of seven private “universities” under investigation for not being properly accredited.

Lucy Molinar

Ministry officials have also repeated the warning given early in the week by Education Minister Lucy Molinar that students applying to colleges should take steps to ensure that they are attending an accredited institution.

"They need to be sure that the university is authorized to give a degree in the career they want to pursue," she said.
The defaulting institutions are  : Universidad de La Paz, Universidad San Martín, International University, Universidad del Arte Ganexa, Universidad Metropolitana de Panamá, Universidad Técnicas de la Comunicación and la Universidad Internacional de Comercio y Educación.

Molinar announced Tuesday that these schools will either have to take steps to become accredited or be closed and said that school officials could face criminal charges for "misleading advertising and issuing degrees that they are not authorized to give."