Group health insurance plan unveiled in Panama

A  group health insurance plan that can provide  substantial savings to expat members of the CanadaPLUS Club was presented at Panama's Club Union on Tuesday May 31.

CanadaPLUS Club member Gonzalo de la Guardia explained the Bupa International health insurance plan, open to present and future members who can get substantial savings on premiums.

Participants at the Bupa-CanadaPLUS presentation

The attentive audience heard that once their application is approved  it is valid for life. Members unable to attend can receive an information package by writing to

Non members can visit www. or email .{jathumbnail off}

Membership  open to people of all nationalities, includes an Opportunity card,  giving discounts at many businesses, special offers at  selected restaurants and reduced prices at all club events like The Canada Day Reception, Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner at the Club Union , and the Christmas Carols by Candlelight Concert in Casco Viejo.