Construction debris contributing to city flooding

The key factor  in the recent flooding in Panama city was caused by clogged drains and a big contributor to that is the increase in  new buildings. {jathumbnail off}

Avenida Balboa in front of the Financial Tower site

The revelation came on Tuesday, May 18 from Juan Manuel Vasquez, a city engineer who said that new structures require a waste management plan before they can receive building permits.

But the flooding continues, as any driver passing in front of the new towers on Avenida Balboa during a rainstorm can testify.

Vasquez listed other contributors to the blockage of sewers like restaurants and people throwing garbage on the street.
Construction waste is a problem, but items like paper and disposable kitchen items, are also blocking inlets.

The engineer has  made personal tours of the sewage systems of the Water and  Sewage authority (Idaan) with officials from the ministries of Public Works and Health to identify problems that cause blockages.
Vasquez says he calls on Ministry of Health officials to impose fines on restaurants that do not use grease traps.
Meetings are being held with businesses and the Panama Construction Chamber to try and find a solution to the problem of construction waste going into the sewer system.

The problem is spread across the cityincluding in Punta Pacifica, El Cangrejo, El Dorado, Villa Zaita, Juan Diaz Tocumen, and Avenida Balboa, where the granddaddy of all construction projects will soon be underway with a 70 story government “Financial tower” on the site of the former American Embassy. During recent storms traffic was blocked in front of the site.

asquez said he was fining companies "every day" for violation of waste disposal rules. the rules of waste disposal. Fines of up to $100 000 can  be levied.