Tourism post is available to President Martinelli

The  beleaguered administrator of Panama’s Tourism Authority (PTA), Solomon Shamah, saidThursday, May 12, that his position “will always be available to the head of state.”

But, in the meantime he says, he  is "doing the job" and is able to represent the country.

But  Shamah dodged questions his situation regarding the loss of his U.S. visa because, he said, "this is a personal matter. "

"Any issue that has to do with things that I have been talking about is   100% private and personal, fully reserved for me and my family, "  he said. 
Asked  asked if question of  his visa will affect the work done in the tourismsector Shamah said "no. "
He said he  is willing to continue working in the government of President RicardoMartinellibut  "my place will always be available.
"The posts of me and all ministers are available to the President.
WikiLeaks revelations show that the former U.S. ambassador, Barbara Stephenson, had received reports from the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) which led her to report to Washington that Shamah had links to drug trafficking.

President Ricardo Martinelli,  faced with other appointees fingered in different scandals, has promised a cabinet shuffle in July.