Calls from all sides for Martinelli to act on scandals

Government and opposition members of the National Assembly have united in calling for action by President Ricardo Martinelli, over the growing scandals surrounding some of his personal appointees.
Democratic Change (CD) member, Ricardo Quijano who serves as Vice Minister of Commerce said Sunday, May 8, that Martinelli will have important decisions to make after the accusations against officials. {jathumbnail off}
"I think when things are somehow not as they should be, you have to enter the arena", said Quijano, calling for an investigation of those named.
The scandals involve the Minister of Tourism, Solomon Shamah, a close associate of Martinelli, whose visa to enter the United States has been withdrawn according to government officials and about whom confidential cables from former U.S. ambassador Barbara Stephenson have linked him to drug traffickers.
Also in the spotlight is the director of the National Immigration Service, María Cristina González, a current board member of CD and who is under investigation by the Attorney General for alleged human trafficking of Asians.
The administrator of the government sanitation authority, Henrique Ho, has admitted that when he served as head of the campaign in 2009 Martinelli received a 380 000 loan from Ernesto Chong Coronado, financial advisor to convicted Colombian David Murcia Guzmán.
Vice President and Foreign Minister, Juan Carlos Varela, said that artinelli must make changes, but said they should not be conditioned by recent scandals.
Former President Martin Torrijos told La Prensa that the country is experiencing a "political crossroads” and he recommended that "rather than confront journalists and political opposition leaders Martinelli should provide an explanation."