Four police officers heading to jail for assaulting detainees

Four  Panamanian police officers  who  beat detainees  with staves and golf clubs have had their appeals against four year jail terms turned down.

Scene of the crime:Tourism Police HQ in Casco Viejo

The police Alcides Castillo, Alexander Tallet, Jaime Machadodel Cid and Melvin Lopez, were charged with  inflicting torture, and convicted in January 2008 for the beating of José Alarcón, Marcelo Guerra and Jaime Avilés. {jathumbnail off}

The  three detainees   were arrested in March 2006 and beaten with wooden shafts and golf clubs, at the headquarters of the Tourism Police in Casco Viejo after being accused of allegedly assaulting two foreigners in the Corredor Norte.