Miss Universe heading to Panama to promote AIDS program

Out and About

with Dra Lourdes Quijada

Ximena Navarrete, Miss Universe 2010, will be in  Panama March 14-18. To help promote awareness of AIDS and HIV, and to speak out about discrimination against sufferers.
Her visit comes through  the efforts of Aid for AIDS International, through its strategic alliance with the Miss Universe Organization.

The timing is appropriate as  Donald Trump, in his recent diatribe on CNN against the handing over of the Canal to Panama seemed to be offering the staging of a future Miss Universe event as a conciliatory gesture to cool down local outrage.

Navarrete has been touring the world advocating an HIV prevention program, of Aid for AIDS posing the question "How much do you know about HIV and AIDS.

She will repeating the message across the Isthmus seeking to promote projects that improve the quality of life for those living with HIV, especially children and adolescents.
The idea also is to promote to the importance of prevention of the disease and stop its advance, says Carlos Pavel Smith coordinator of the program in Panama. {jathumbnail off}
 The only confirmed appearance of Ximena during her visit  is Thursday March 17, from 8:00 am to12:00 noon, at Parque Omar with emphasis on prevention aimed at teens from public and private schools of the capital area and San Miguelito. 
 She  will provide information on making healthy choices, as a strategy to prevent HIV in their lives and  ending discrimination against afflicted people.