Donald Trump persona non grata in Panama offers re-run of Miss Universe

Donald Trump, the man who would be president of the United States, has been declared persona non grata by Panama City Council.

He is also the man  planning to come to the city for the “grand opening” of the Trump Tower, portrayed in advertising material as a standalone building like the Middle East original which it mimics, but is in reality hemmed in by other, less hypeds towers in the concrete jungle known as Punta Pacifica. {jathumbnail off}

Trump, who is trying to persuade the Republican Party that he is the man who should be sitting in the White House, helping to rebuild the shattered U.S.,  economy blotted his copy book, in Panama and Latin America with his remarks on CNN about the “give away” of the Panama Canal to the people.

He  called the decision " stupid " and said the U.S. has given away  the Panama Canal "for nothing" taking into account the huge investment made ??by the government of his country.
 He included a personal attack on Jimmy Carter, the former American president, who is widely respected for the role he has played in international affairs since he was ousted by Ronald Reagan. He is  also  the man who signed the  treaty which returned the Canal to Panama at the end of the 20th Century. after the 1964 shooting deaths of Panamanian students, by American military personnel when they tried to raise the Panamanian flag in the Canal Zone. The killings led to the renaming of Ave July 4 as The Avenue of Martyrs.

His comments have created outrage among local politicians and the TV and Radio hotlines have been overheating with derogatory comments, including a call for SUNTRACS workers to down tools at the Trump Tower.

President Ricardo Martinelli  described the comments as "unfortunate". Roberto Henriquez, Minister of Trade and Commerce was more forthright and  said that Trump had a loose tongue. 

La Prensa published  an extended interview with the would-be presidential candidate that started with:

“In politics you have to measure every word. That;s something that  real estate mogul Donald Trump, will have to learn if he is to to continue making inroads in that arena. 
 “For now, his eagerness to get in tune with a Republican audience that yearns for better times led him to criticize the terms of the transfer of the Canal to Panamanian control. 
 “What he  did not calculate was that, while he attacked former Democratic president Jimmy Carter,  he offended  Panamanians, on the eve of the inauguration of the first Trump tower in the region.’
On Friday, March 12,  a resolution declaring Trump persona no grata was approved by City Council
" Bethany Councilman Ivan Picota, said that Trump’s statements were a farce and denotes   “ the full ignorance he has of our country and on the return of the Panama Canal”

In the interview with La Prensa, Trump said:

“All my comments have been respectful of Panamanians, for the excellent deal they closed. My comment was critical of our politicians, ambassadors and negotiators. I do not blame Panama … U.S. negotiators, led by Jimmy Carter, did an extremely poor job….The lack of bargaining power of our representatives, what has brought America to where it is.” 

La Prensa asked “Are you suggesting that decisions such as giving up control of the Canal, are responsible for the poor U.S. performance in recent years? 
 “No, no, no, no. I never said that. I said that America has made many bad decision It does not make good business. 
 “Are you aware that at the time the United States transferred control of the Canal, the economic benefits had fallen significantly due to mishandling managers then? 
 “Yes, yes. In addition to closing a good deal, the Panamanians have managed the Canal much better than Americans did, and it's precisely because of how well they are doing that we have made the huge commitment to building there which I think will be a the most impressive buildings in Latin America. Indeed, something I have not told anyone is that, given what is happening in Panama and given my great respect for this country, we are seriously considering going back to with  the Miss Universe event.”
“Returning to the Canal, Panamanians think the decision to transfer control of this was a fair decision, given the years of U.S. operation. 

“I think it was an excellent choice for Panama. 
 “But not for U.S. … 
 “I think the U.S. made a bad deal for America, but as I said, if I were in Panama, I would have tried to get the same deal. 
“You dream of being president of the United States … 
“Perhaps some day.” 
 “And what kind of agreements will be signed with countries like Panama? Will the U.S. aim to give them fair treatment? 
 “Look, I love Panama. I have great respect for Panama and that began in 2003. One of the best Miss Universe contests t we had was the Panama Canal. On that occasion I spent much time there and I know the country and developed respect for Panama and the bargain they made with respect to the Canal. That's positive. On the other hand, the U.S. has made unfavorable arrangements around the world  and it's no longer the country it was. We are talking about another ball game. “
 “Panamanians believe that treaties signed by Panama and the United States were always more in your gavor than otherwise. The political and military cost of not delivering the Canal would have been high, given the growing intolerance of the colonial enclave. 
 “I insist that, if we had had better negotiators, the United States could have achieved a better deal for their interests, on the other hand, the reason we built this building in Panama, is the deal. 
"Then it will be better to have you as an investment partner and not as political counterpart? 
I do not know.  For now, I can only say that my relationship with Panama and many friends in Panama is outstanding and that, having chosen Panama as the first location in that part of the world, and the desire to retrurn the Miss Universe beyond are due to this respect. Currently there are 18 countries seeking to host the contest"